Saturday Herb Walk - 4 Hours

Saturday Herb Walk - 4 Hours

Herbal Walk 4 hour 

June until Late Fall, it’s different shades of browns and gold. We can see what was and yet there is life, but summers are hard. When the rains begin the symphony of life ushers forth.

Every 2 weeks things change so it is possible to come over and over with a slightly different date and see things that were not ready to show - and a show it is!

You’ll be amazed at the amount of flora this little island has to offer. Over 500 species…

We start at 2 pm (14:00) from Naturally Kalymnos store just 50 meters from the taxi station in downtown Pothia. Up the stairs to the classroom/meeting area where we will have a brief introduction to the day that lies ahead. We’ll watch a short slideshow of times before and times ahead to see what you will not today.

You’ll be given your collection bag, pruning snips and away we’ll go to various areas of the island to learn about how to selectively, responsibly and ethically prune, harvest and collect the different herbs and medicines that are ready today. So let us get into our vehicle and we’ll take you on an herbal adventure!

We will visit several areas throughout the day, resting here and there. If we have time we will visit some of the ancient areas of the island, and actually where life in Kalymnos started way back when. 

You will have an opportunity to learn how to wildcraft herbs responsibly and ethically, so that next time you visit them they will be fuller with more to offer. A truly unique experience you will always cherish!


We finish our time outside with a picnic (our treat) with local foods and ingredients made by nature and Kalliope!

Now it is time to head back to Naturally Kalymnos. There you will have an opportunity to shop privately and see the products produced from the flora that is Kalymnos.


For a more in depth event, you might like to look into our herbal workshops. They are 2-day events and offered from February until April.

All events require Pre-Booking you can do this now through PayPal, the site goes secure when you go to PayPal to pay. You do not need a PayPal account, just continue at the bottom of each page. The top of the pages in PayPal try to get you to create an account, but it is not necessary. Just go to the bottom of the page (2 pages) and then Pay using your Debit or Credit Card. Or you can request an Invoice, by email and we will send you an Invoice to Request Payment through PayPal.

Event Properties

Event Date 10-19-2019 2:00 pm
Capacity 5
Registered 0
Available place 5
Cut off date 10-18-2019 2:00 pm
Individual Price €60.00

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